Wednesday, March 16, 2011

24 Days...

9 boxes later and my stuff is 3/4 packed… I have more to do and organize… but of course I have saved the hardest for last as usual. My mentality is “well gee I still have more then a week… aaahhh ill wait another day…”  and well that other day is comin quick!... I finally used my on sale space bags and they are amazing. I fit 12 blankets including a sleeping bag in 2 space bags and they all fit in one Rubbermaid bin! HA it was a happy moment when that happened… but it is the small things in life that keep me going… (that’s what she said)
On another hand yesterday I went to Uhaul in Stamford to check out the trailer I am going to rent to make moving easier to see if it will really fit my couch, bed, mattress and the other few pieces of furniture I have. The people there were really helpful and very nice and I am happy to say it will fit most of my belongings nicely and if not and we need a little extra room we have my dads truck and my car to fill.

Now for a more serious note… I am getting very nervous moving to a total different state where I know NOONE! And it literally is the middle of NOWHERE… granted I will be in the states capital and there are things to do and see but not like what I’m used to here in CT. Don’t get me wrong I am a people person and sometimes don’t know when to shut up so I am not concerned about meeting people… it’s just the “alone” part that I am going to struggle with... And I don’t mean all by myself alone ill have my dad and awesome step mom but I won’t be 5 minutes from my best friend Lola or James or even the other girls that are close to me. I know we have ways of communication like Facebook, E-mail, Web cam and the phone but it still is not the same so this is going to be tricky. I was talking to a girl at work and asked her if it was hard for her to adjust from Indiana to Connecticut not knowing anyone. I also asked her if she had some advice for me. So she told me, “Yes it was hard for me to adjust. I am so used to a calmer smaller town compared to this fast paced city I live in it was hard.” Then she said, “my once piece of advice to you is don’t give up. Give it at least exactly ONE YEAR before you move back or make any rational decisions.” She said it took her one year to find a “click” or “group” of friends she can call and hang out with and trust. Although I will never find anyone like Lola or James out there.  I know I will learn and grow from this experience and hopefully have a great time doing just that… I’m just not looking forward to the tears.
Well my goal it to pack 4 more boxes before my next blog let’s all keep my fingers crossed for that to happen!...

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